게시판 뷰
게시판 뷰페이지
The Hong Kong - Asia Financing Forum (HAF) IDP (In-Development Project) 2025 Project Submission
작성자 문화예술대학원 유영현
날짜 2024.09.25
조회수 349

The Hong Kong - Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF), the flagship event of the Industry Office, takes place every March in conjunction with the Hong Kong FILMART, is now calling for entry. Submissions for the In-development fiction project (IDP) are now opening for applicants and will be closed on 31 Oct 2024. 

Project submission link: https://hkiffindustry.hafapplication.com/

Submission eligibility and selection criteria details: https://industry.hkiff.org.hk/en/haf/idp/eligibility-and-selection-criteria

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